XS Scuba O-Ring Pick Set

XS Scuba O-Ring Pick Set

Sale price£27.95

The XS Scuba O-Ring Pick Set includes three O-ring pickers of different styles made of brass instead of steel to prevent accidental damage to the diving kit.


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Unit 1, Maritime Business Centre, Mereside
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The XS Scuba O-Ring Pick Set includes three O-ring pickers of different styles made of brass instead of steel to prevent accidental damage to the diving kit.

Use the picks for pushing o-rings into grooves, removing o-rings from regulators, hoses and inflators, and general maintenance and repairs, the set easily fits in a spares box.

O-Ring Pick Set includes

  • Ball end for pushing o-rings into the grooves inside regulators
  • Curved pick for first and second-stage o-rings
  • Angled pick to remove o-rings from second-stage hoses and BC inflators
  • Two small brushes
  • Silicone grease
SKU: TL111