We loved the original version 1 OrcaTorch D630 because it was the perfect primary dive light for technical diving at a great price point, whether diving backmount, sidemount or rebreather. Now the 2023 Version 2 makes it even better with a lower-profile titanium Alloy switch and electronic safety lock.
The Orcatorch D630
Still Our Favourite
Still Our Favourite
5 to 20 hours run time
With a super-focus 7º beam, the Orcatorch D630 dive light delivers up to 4,000 lumens of maximum power for 5 hours and comes at such a good price point it has been our best seller for a few years now.
If that doesn't make your mind up, this torch has 3 power modes that can extend the burn time up to nearly 20 hours, a 90º and 180º adjustable cable outlet from the battery, as well as an adjustable and front-foldable Goodman Handle that protects the lens during transport, and its low profile, low weight, makes it ideally suited for every type of diving.
Let's get into our review and detailed specifications then...
First off OrcaTorch is distributed in the UK by our friends at one of the country's most reliable distributors, Sea & Sea renowned for its excellent service and after-care.
Secondly, we appear to be one of the largest stockists of the Orcatorch D630's in the country and there's a reason for that: Increased demand. Not through advertising, but word of mouth mostly, divers seeing other divers with this excellent product, some in quite adverse, cold and dark conditions.
Starting from the torch battery...
It actually consists of 2 components. The anodised Aluminium canister itself and the battery that is screwed in (as it will arrive ready-to-go in its box to you).

One of the first things you'll notice on removing the canister from the light head is that the canister threads have not just two but three o-rings, providing greater protection against water ingress.
The threads are deep and the threaded part that screws into the light head connector is about 270mm high, giving enough distance to keep the water out.
Two jubilee clips holding a 2.5-inch wide velcro harness webbing strap are impressively concealed in quality rubber starting straight underneath the threads, with the jubilee screws also out of sight in hard rubber protectors (but accessible from the side).
You can use the harness webbing strap without opening the velcro just sliding the webbing through, as the connection is well secure.

Looking at the battery from the top, you'll see... well... lots of things.
For one, a USB-out-port which is an attractive addition for those dive trips you're returning from and still have enough juice to charge a phone or headphones and similar.
The battery is clearly marked at 3000mAh which is plenty of power and 7.4V, 89Wh which the experts among you will work out to match what the advertised rates are.
The slot to the left of the 7,4V in the picture is where the charge plug goes in. And the 4 LED lights to the right of it show how much juice the battery has.
Using our scale we've established the weight of the canister and battery combined as 746 grams of which the battery itself is 524 grams and the housing with jubilee clips and webbing strap 222 grams (give or take).
All the power is packed in a low-profile slim body canister.
With a diameter of 22mm, circumference 165 mm and height of just under 210mm, the canister can be worn on the back in sidemount configuration with adjustable hose routing, or neatly against a backplate on the waist harness webbing for backmount.
...to the light head itself
The light head of the Orcatorch D630 is as low profile as the battery and feels extremely comfortable and stable on back of a hand, whether gloved or not, with its adjustable Goodman Handle.
The head is permanently attached via a power cable to the screw-on battery cap although the handle is removable and light head, cable, handle and cap weigh just above 850 gr on the surface. (The above image text does not include the weight of the handle.)
As you'll see in the image below, the head itself contains 5 Cree LEDs.
You can see how cool the adjustable handle looks (it feels nice too! It also folds back onto the lens of the light to protect it during transport).
You can pre-adjust the height on-the-fly but the width will need to be adjusted with the included Allen key.
The image below shows a close-up of the 4 connections in the battery cap that screws on the canister creating contact with the two circular power outputs on the battery facing up.
To the right is the top button on the light head which has a lock (facing front) and unlock (facing left) position to prevent it from being accidentally switched on when being transported.
A single press of the button will bring the torch alive at maximum power and another press, lower the power until the third press brings it to the lowest power setting.
Watch our video unboxing the original (Version 1.0) OrcaTorch D630 and what both V1.0 and V2.0 come with: